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Chemical Processing

Ask Air Products…and expect more

Air Products has been providing both large and small volumes of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and syngas plus gas separation and purification technologies and technical support to the chemical processing industry. Through the expertise of our people, we are helping businesses operate smarter, cleaner, and more economically all around the world.

Download Nitrogen—A Security Blanket for the Chemical Industry brochure

Safety, Solutions, Supply, and Service for the Chemical Industry

For more than 70 years, the chemical industry has relied on Air Products’ experience applying nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen technologies that can help improve safety, cut costs, reduce environmental emissions, or increase capacity. We understand the reaction chemistry, kinetics, mixing, and mass transfer issues you face and can help identify low-cost solutions to optimize your productivity.

World leading producer and supplier of hydrogen and helium

World leader supplying compressed gas and liquid hydrogen and helium in a variety of purities and concentrations

Global leading manufacturer or nitrogen, oxygen and argon

Global leader supplying liquid and compressed nitrogen, oxygen and argon in variety of purities and concentrations

Reliable supply of industrial gases

Multi-plant network with primary production plants and secondary product sources to maintain reliable supply

Own and operates hundreds of gas plants worldwide

Over 75 years of experience in designing and operating industrial gas plants to help you determine the best supply mode

Excellent record of meeting on-time needs

Twenty-four/seven Inventory Management Services to create a supply replenishment plan based on current and future production schedule

Industry leader in safety

Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our operating communities

Technical support when you need it

Experienced technical teams across the globe can provide supply and technology solutions to meet your unique needs

World-class customer service

Our approach to customer relationships is based on understanding your needs first

Questions? We've got answers.

Our applications engineers can work with you to fine tune your operations.

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Temporary Gas Supply

For over 40 years, customers have come to rely on our Air Products Express Services (APEX) for safe, reliable and fast temporary gas supply. When you need short-term or emergency industrial gas supply—particularly during plant turnarounds or start-ups, peak demand periods, planned or unplanned maintenance activities—you need help quickly to remain online and productive.

On-site Gas Generation

On-site gas generation helps sustainability-minded customers lower their carbon footprint, boost energy efficiency, increase throughput, enhance end product quality, and improve environmental performance.
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Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Az argon ideális védőgázként és különböző hegesztési folyamatokhoz. Különböző tisztasági szinteken és szállítási módokon érhető el globális ipari gáztartály tároló- és áttöltő infrastruktúránknak köszönhetően.


Szakértő csapatunk világszerte biztosítja az Ön egyedi igényeinek megfelelő sűrített vagy folyékony szén-dioxid-ellátási megoldásokat. Akár ipari, akár élelmiszeripari alkalmazásokról van szó, hatékony megoldást kínálunk.


A szén-monoxidot (CO) az ecetsav és a polikarbonátok gyártásától a poliuretán intermedierek előállításáig széles körben használják. A szintagázt alkoholok és aldehidek előállítására használják.


Az inert hélium ideális kriogén hűtési célokra, hőátadási, védő, szivárgásjelző, analitikai és emelő célokra. Számos iparágban nélkülözhetetlen elem, különösen az orvosi szektorban és a kutatás-fejlesztésben.


Hydrogen as a gas is valued for its reactive and protective properties. The chemicals industry can benefit from its unique properties to improve quality, optimize performance and reduce costs.


Nitrogen is widely used in the chemical industry in a variety of applications including inerting/blanketing, process cooling, and solvent recovery.


We offer compressed oxygen gas or liquid oxygen in a variety of purities and concentrations.

Plan for success.

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