Count on Air Products' expertise . . .
Let our applications engineers help you find ways to improve energy efficiency and safety.
Let our applications engineers help you find ways to improve energy efficiency and safety.
Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.
Reaktív és védő tulajdonságainak köszönhetően számos iparág használja fel - például elektronikai ipar, élelmiszeripar, üvegipar, vegyipar, finomítók - a minőség javítása, a teljesítmény optimalizálása és a költségek csökkentése érdekében.
Useful as a gas, for its inert properties, and a liquid for cooling and freezing. Virtually any industry can benefit from its unique properties to improve yields, optimize performance and make operations safer.
Amellett, hogy lélegeztetőgázként alkalmazzák az egészségügyben, erős oxidáló tulajdonsága számos ipar számára nyújt előnyöket, mivel javítja a hozamokat, optimalizálja a teljesítményt, csökkenti a költségeket és kisebb ökológiai lábnyommal rendelkezik, mint a többi tüzelőanyag.
For over 40 years, customers have come to rely on our Air Products Express Services (APEX) for safe, reliable and fast temporary gas supply. When you need short-term or emergency industrial gas supply—particularly during plant turnarounds or start-ups, peak demand periods, planned or unplanned maintenance activities—you need help quickly to remain online and productive.
Air Products offers thousands of products and services to a variety of different industries. This scope and experience has enabled us to develop a deeper understanding of the demands of these industries, and of your particular needs.
We have provided information most relevant to you within this industry section, but you may find information in other related industries of interest as well. The attached list is provided as a convenience for you or you can click on “Industries” in the top navigation for a full listing.