Temporary Gas Supply
Air Products Helps Boeing's Composite Wing Center Produce 777X Planes
Ask the Expert

Doug Williams
Speciális Rendszermérnök Észak-Amerika
Helium gas plays a vital role in the production of rocket components and supporting launch activities. Defense, nuclear, and aerospace manufacturers use helium for detecting leaks in critical equipment such as rocket engines, and for purging and propellant transfer. Many face the challenge to increase quality while reducing costs. Air Products has been a leading supplier of helium to the space industry since its inception delivering innovative approaches such as gas supply management systems which can reduce the cost of gas ownership and improve overall processes. Our proprietary liquid helium pumping technology allows these industries to pressurize large on-site gaseous storage vessels at lower costs, with less energy, and at faster rates.Air Products has a global supply network, breadth of resources, world class service, expert technical assistance, commitment to quality, and an industry-recognized safety record. We understand your need for a secure, reliable supply, coupled with attention to detail and supported by service—throughout the world. Let us help make your business take off. Helium gas plays a vital role in the production of rocket components and supporting launch activities. Defense, nuclear, and aerospace manufacturers use helium for detecting leaks in critical equipment such as rocket engines, and for purging and propellant transfer. Many face the challenge to increase quality while reducing costs. Air Products has been a leading supplier of helium to the space industry since its inception delivering innovative approaches such as gas supply management systems which can reduce the cost of gas ownership and improve overall processes. Our proprietary liquid helium pumping technology allows these industries to pressurize large on-site gaseous storage vessels at lower costs, with less energy, and at faster rates.Air Products has a global supply network, breadth of resources, world class service, expert technical assistance, commitment to quality, and an industry-recognized safety record. We understand your need for a secure, reliable supply, coupled with attention to detail and supported by service—throughout the world. Let us help make your business take off.

Industrial gas audits
TELALERT® telemetry system
TELALERT® telemetry remote monitoring system provides timely and accurate inventory data to our logistics center to help forecast deliveries.
Az inert hélium ideális kriogén hűtési célokra, hőátadási, védő, szivárgásjelző, analitikai és emelő célokra. Számos iparágban nélkülözhetetlen elem, különösen az orvosi szektorban és a kutatás-fejlesztésben.
A hidrogént reaktív és védő tulajdonságai miatt számos iparágban alkalmazzák, például az elektronikai, élelmiszer-, üveg-, vegyiparban és finomítókban. Segít a minőség növelésében, a teljesítmény javításában és a költségek csökkentésében.
A nitrogén inert tulajdonságainak köszönhetően széles körben alkalmazható. Folyékony formában hűtési és fagyasztási célokra használható, míg gázként számos iparágban javítja a hozamot, optimalizálja a teljesítményt és növeli a biztonságot.
Az oxigén elengedhetetlen az egészségügyben lélegeztetőgázként, de ipari felhasználásban is kulcsszerepet játszik. Erős oxidáló hatása révén javítja a gyártási hozamokat, növeli a hatékonyságot, csökkenti a költségeket és kisebb ökológiai lábnyomot hagy maga után, mint más tüzelőanyagok.
Questions? We've got answers.
Contact us and put decades of experience with industrial gases, production, applications, equipment, and supply to work for you.
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