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Water and Wastewater

Cost-effective solutions for water treatment processes

Are you looking for reliable, efficient and cost-effective water treatment solutions to meet the environmental legislation?

Our innovative Halia® water solutions using pure oxygen bring cost efficiency and environmental benefits, and help you improve your water treatment processes. The technology combines all the proven advantages of pure oxygen aeration, ozone and advanced oxidation delivering highly-effective, low-cost water solutions.

Our solutions include:

Wastewater. Oxidation technologies to help you treat municipal and industrial wastewater streams to meet the required standards for water reuse in various applications.

Drinking water. Water disinfection technologies designed to meet the driving needs of communities and increased regulatory requirements while reducing operating costs.

Aquaculture and river oxygenation. High-purity oxygen for hatcheries and fish farms.

​Halia® Solutions are Capable of Handling Diverse Requirements:

  • To increase wastewater treatment capacity of an existing plant
  • To reduce foams, odours and VOCs release from an aeration tank
  • To improve nitrification and settling efficiency
  • To remove colour for discharge or reuse
  • To remove recalcitrant contaminants
  • To raise the dissolved oxygen (DO) level and enlarge the aquaculture density

Halia® Water Treatment Solutions Include:

Pilot Trials

Biological Treatment Systems

Oxidation Treatment Systems

Ongoing Technical Support and Equipment Service

Safety and Operability Reviews and Training

Ask the Expert

Samy Sablayrolles

Kereskedelmi technológia Vízmegoldások, Európa

“Can pure oxygen replace air aerations systems?”
Air Products technology allows you to boost the plant with pure oxygen without stopping the current air aeration. The concept we adopt is to cover the lack of oxygen that occurs during peak periods or to make up any shortfall from air aeration, all the while keeping the air aeration as active as possible. In some cases, pure oxygen will fully replacing the air systems when the advantages, such as costs savings and productivity increase, are clearly identified or if the interactions between pure oxygen aerators and air-based aerators cannot be avoided. For every solution Air Products’ technology and system expertise is focused on costs savings by understanding each system and supply the best solution in terms of cost and efficiency.

Do you need to improve your water treatment process?

Our engineers can give you advice on the right equipment and solution for your needs.

Contact Us


Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Szakértő csapatunk világszerte biztosítja az Ön egyedi igényeinek megfelelő sűrített vagy folyékony szén-dioxid-ellátási megoldásokat. Akár ipari, akár élelmiszeripari alkalmazásokról van szó, hatékony megoldást kínálunk.


Az oxigén elengedhetetlen az egészségügyben lélegeztetőgázként, de ipari felhasználásban is kulcsszerepet játszik. Erős oxidáló hatása révén javítja a gyártási hozamokat, növeli a hatékonyságot, csökkenti a költségeket és kisebb ökológiai lábnyomot hagy maga után, mint más tüzelőanyagok.