Contact our technical experts for your oxygen needs
Let us help you optimize your process with oxygen to improve your capacity and increase efficiency.
Oxygen can be used in a number of applications across the chemicals industry including:
To provide benefits such as:
Let us help you optimize your process with oxygen to improve your capacity and increase efficiency.
Microbulk is a modern concept where your gas is supplied by filling on-site vs. the traditional method for smaller volume usage where gas is supplied by swapping full for empty cylinders and dewars. Microbulk supply features specially designed tank trucks with integrated controls and flexible storage tank options. End usage can be provided as pure gases, cryogenic liquids or gaseous mixtures via a blender installed at your site.
Even if you use as few as ten cylinders a month of the same gas, Cryoease® microbulk tanks could offer an effective solution.
A hagyományos megoldás kis volumenű gázellátáshoz. A palackokat különböző kiszerelésben (10 és 50 liter között), nyomással és gáztisztasággal ajánljuk a gázok és gázkeverékek széles skálájához. Válasszon a hagyományos palackok vagy a beépített szabályozós innovatív Integra® palackjaink közül
Opció a kisebb felhasználók számára, ahol a gázellátást a palackok és a dewar edények helyett a helyszíni tartályok feltöltésével biztosítják.
Teherautóval szállítjuk, és az Ön telephelyén folyadékként tároljuk kriogén tartályokban vagy gázként nagynyomású csövekben az Ön térfogata, kívánt nyomása, tisztasági szintje, áramlási sebessége és működési mintája alapján.
Short-term or emergency industrial gas supply for start-ups, peak demand periods, planned or unplanned maintenance activities, and plant or pipeline turnarounds.
On-site gas generation helps sustainability-minded customers lower their carbon footprint, boost energy efficiency, increase throughput, enhance end product quality, and improve environmental performance.
Air Products currently owns and operates over 300 air separation plants in over 40 countries worldwide, in all types of applications. In addition to our own plants, we have sold, designed and built over 1000 air separation plants globally.
Located in major industrial locations around the world, pipelines offer customers with large product demands a range of benefits, including reliable, safe and flexible supply in a cost-effective way.
Our Safety Data Sheet (SDS) library allows you to search and find the SDS you need--in the language you select.